
Mario Soldati | | The Guardian

T he Italian writer and film director Mario Soldati, who has died aged 92, was best known for films adapted from literary works, especially his 1940 version of Antonio Fogazzaro's novel Piccolo Mondo Antico. He later won popularity with TV viewers for witty, intelligent series on food and books.

Sophie Binet Conjoint

Sophie Binet Conjoint A loppos de Philippe Martinez, Sophie Binet a galement endoss le rle dadministratrice auprs du secrtaire gnral de la fdration des Cheminots, Laurent Brun. Nicolas Hinderschiett, un reprsentant dArcelorMittal, a dclar : a galise le score ; cest un choix neutre ; ce nest pas Philippe Martinez, et ce nest pas

Watch Desus and Mero Design Their Celebrity McDonalds Meals

Desus and Mero have very little love for Saweeties newly announced McDonalds meal. While the actual menu items seem normal and acceptable (curious about the Saweetie N Sour sauce), the ad D&M showed Sunday night depicted restacked and rearranged Mickey Ds classics: chicken nuggets on a pile of fries, ketchup on top of the bun.

Donate Your Old Bras to New Life Gambia To Help Women in Poverty

Headed out without a bra today? Its likely that youve made your choice because of what youre wearing - or for comfort reasons. Bra off, hair up is worthy of its meme status for a reason. Skipping your skivvies is a mark of privilege for any woman in the UK but in some countries not

Elena Matarazzo - Business Insider

Elena Matarazzo is an associate editor for Insider Reviews. Initially joining Insider as a producer, she changed gears to join the Archive team in the fall of 2022. Outside of work you can find her listening to a podcast, walking her dog, and scrolling through Yelp to find her upcoming meal.