
'Good Times': The $2,000 Bet 'J.J. Evans' Actor Jimmie Walker Had Going With Producer Norman Lear

The popular situation comedy Good Times enjoyed great ratings in the 1970s. According to its executive producer Norman Lear, the viewers were the only ones enjoying the show that he called an agony to produce.

DJ Deadmau5 Marries Girlfriend Kelly "Grill" Fedoni

Back in January of 2016, Deadmau5 revealed that he had secretly proposed to his longtime girlfriend when he posted a picture of his leading lady wearing an engagement ring. Kelly was seen flashing a new piece of bling on that finger while vacationing in the Maldives with family.

Femme De Dadju Ima

Femme De Dadju Ima Sorti le 11 mai 2022, IMA est le premier long mtrage de Dadju. Bande de filles de Cline Sciamma, qui mettait en vedette la jeune actrice franaise Karidja Tour (qui est en fait dorigine ivoirienne) comme protagoniste du film, la prsente au public. Qui est-elle au juste?

Frederic Taddei Maladie

Frederic Taddei Maladie Lanimateur sest prsent hier soir 21h59 en disant : Bonsoir, mon nom est Frdric Tadde et me voil de retour, en direct la tlvision, sur CNews et jen suis ravi. Lancien animateur de Ce soir (ou jamais !) de France 3 sera dsormais laffiche de CNews tous les

New Job Gifts: Gifts For Someone Who Just Got A New Job

Whether your bestie just landed her dream role or your partner has been served up a swanky promotion, you'll want to congratulate them with a new job gift. Y'know something that screams "I'm SO proud of you" / "Good Luck!" / "You're gunna kill it!!!" Affordable, genuinely useful and thoughtful - these well done