'Too Hot to Handle' Season 3 Included Record Cash Prize; Who Won It?

Posted by Martina Birk on Sunday, September 29, 2024

[SPOILER ALERT: This article contains spoilers for Too Hot to Handle Season 3.]

Netflix dating series Too Hot to Handle returned with a new season that featured twists and a record cash prize. Who walked away with the money?

‘Too Hot to Handle’ returned with a new cast and record prize

Seven months after Marvin Anthony walked away with the $55,000 grand prize, a new cast of singles arrived for what they believed to be Pleasure Island.

After getting to know each other through a steamy game on the first night, virtual assistant Lana appeared, signifying they were actually a part of Too Hot to Handle Season 3.

The original cast including Beaux Raymond (24, Kent, U.K.), Georgia Hassarati (26, Brisbane, Australia), Harry Johnson (29, Middlesborough, U.K.), Holly Scarfone (23, Colorado, U.S.), Izzy Fairthorne (22, Manchester, U.K.), Jaz Holloway (25, Virginia, U.S.), Nathan Soan Mngomezulu (24, Cape Town, South Africa), Patrick Mullen (29, Hawaii, U.S.), Stevan Ditter (26, Los Angeles, U.S.), and Robert “Truth” ( 23, Texas, U.S.).

Halfway through the season, Lana determined Jaz and Truth weren’t invested in the process and eliminated them. Brianna Giscombe (26, LA, U.S.), Gerrie Labuschagne (26, Springs, South Africa), Jackson Mawhinney (29, London, U.K.), Obi Nnadi (22, Toronto, C.A.), and Olga Bednarska (24, U.K.) later joined the group.

Beaux Raymond and Harry Johnson won the cash prize

Nine minutes after Lana revealed the no sexual contact rule, Izzy and Georgia kissed, committing the first rule break and costing the group $3,000 of their historic $200,000 fund. A few other couples followed suit, and the cast lost several thousand dollars on the first day.

They continued to break the rules, resulting in Lana upping the price for a kiss to $6,000. One couple, in particular, Holly and Nathan, cost the group nearly $50,000, and Lana allowed them to earn it back if they refrained from sexual contact in the private suite. They lost, costing the group another considerable chunk.

Welcome to Pleasure Island — our newest dating show that will asks the world's sexiest singles to live out their wildest fantasies!

Just kidding, they're on Too Hot To Handle Season 3. New episodes now streaming pic.twitter.com/oWILkYPyCa

— Netflix (@netflix) January 19, 2022

Beaux and Harry, another couple attached at the hip from the beginning, didn’t break any rules while developing their connection. They were granted a date near the end where he asked her to become his girlfriend.

Finally, Georgia entered the villa as the most desired from several guys but eventually turned them all down. She, Nathan, Beaux, and Harry were named finalists due to their transformation and eligible for the $90,000 prize money. The others overwhelmingly voted for Harry and Beaux, making them the season 3 winners.

Which couples from ‘Too Hot to Handle’ are still together?

While the winning couple hasn’t officially announced their current relationship status, they have indicated they’re still in contact. Additionally, the two frequently comment under each other’s Instagram photos.

On their way back from filming in Feb. 2021, the couple reportedly heavily kissed and refused to stop or put on their masks when asked by flight attendants.

The two were arrested and fined for their behavior. Holly and Nathan also haven’t revealed their relationship status, but fans seem to think they are still dating due to their social media activity.

Finally, Obi and Brianna also developed a strong connection throughout the season. However, they also haven’t revealed their relationship status yet. Too Hot to Handle is streaming on Netflix.
